July 2016

Digital Governance Forum, Canberra

Jan and John Sheridan (CTO, Australian Government) explored the roles of the governing body and management throughout the lifecycle of digital investments.

The breakfast event marked the publication of SA/SNZ TS 8019:2016, Governance of benefits realization for IT enabled investments.

The new technical specification was developed by the Standards Australia committee IT-030-ICT Governance and Management, chaired by Jan, to provide guidance to governing bodies and executive management on effective Governance of IT enabled investments. This guidance can assist in improving oversight of in-house IT enabled investments and investment in digital services.

May 2016

JTC 1/ SC40 Plenary Meeting, Suzhou, China

Jan led the Australian delegation at the SC40 Plenary in China and spoke at the International Standards Forum of IT Governance.

Hosted by Standardization Administration of China (SAC), Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission, and Suzhou Economic and Information Technology Commission with sponsorship of China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI).

January 2016

New Benefits Realisation Publication

A new technical specification was published 29 January providing guidance on effective Governance of IT enabled investments for improving benefits realisation.

SA/SNZ 8019 provides guidance to governing bodies to help them ask the right questions and promote a culture of accountability with respect to benefits realisation.  This is specific and supplementary advice to the standard AS/NZS 8016:2013, Governance of IT Enabled Projects, that sets out broad advice for Governance of IT projects.


Jan is the AICD representative and chairs the committee that produced this technical specification.

November 2015

AICD Director Briefing on ‘White Collar Crime’

Jan chaired the AICD director briefing on ‘White Collar Crime’ on Tuesday 24th November 2015.

Guest speakers Shane MacDonald, Partner, Forensic Services, Grant Thornton and Nick McKenzie, Investigative Journalist, Fairfax.

For AICD members, there are a number of resources available through the Director Resource Centre on the AICD website.

October 2015

UK Institute of Directors Convention & IPAA ICT Forum

Jan presented at the rescheduled Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) ICT Forum in Melbourne on Compliance, Governance and Innovation.

In London, Jan attended the IoD Annual Convention Business Beyond Boundaries.